
【学会発表】第27回国際昆虫学会議 ICE2024 Kyoto

8月25日から30日まで、国立京都国際会館で開催された 第27回国際昆虫学会議 The 27th International Congress of Entomology (ICE2024 Kyoto) で、たくさんの学生・ポスドクが発表しました。


Masaaki Michiura (M2), Syuichi Yano
[1-3-02] Do predatory mites cannibalize conspecifics in environments with dispersal opportunities?

Eko Andrianto (PostDoc), Norihide Hinomoto, Yukio Ishikawa
[3-9-01] Induced Thermotolerance & Associated Expression of two HSPs and Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) Genes in Trans-generational Adaptation of Orius strigicollis

Shiori Kinto (D1), Toshiharu Akino, Shuichi Yano
[7-7-01] Tiny mites avoid caterpillar traces to prevent incidental non-cascading predation

Pattara Opadith (卒業生), Norihide Hinomoto
[14-17-01] Population structure of the Japanese orange fly, Bactrocera tsuneonis (Diptera: Tephritidae)


Shogo Usugi (M1), Shingo Toyoshima, Norihide Hinomoto
[P0277] Evaluation of ecological parameters in the predatory mite Amblyseius rademacheri Dosse (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Yuki Kato, Shuichi Yano, Norihide Hinomoto
[P0545] Microsatellite DNA marker analysis of population genetic structure of the generalist predatory mite Euseius sojaensis

Chiharu Saito (社会人D3), Eiichi Makita, Suguru Yamane, Chihiro Urairi, Takayuki Hoshi, Makoto Doi, Suzuka Yoshizaki, Norihide Hinomoto
[P0574] A novel pest suction machine promising control of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in a tomato greenhouse

Lan Kong (D1), Norihide Hinomoto
[P0651] Comparison of area-wide population structure between Orius strigicollis and O. sauteri

Yui Tamada (M1), Norihide Hinomoto
[P0653] Comparison of two diets for rearing Nesidiocoris tenuis in the laboratory

Kohei Honda (M2), Norihide Hinomoto
[P0665] Establishment of behavioral assay system to evaluate locomotor activity of predatory bugs in Orius strigicollis

Junri Kubo (M2), Toshiharu Akino, Shuichi Yano
[P0682] Spider mites exposed to extracts of injured conspecifics disperse from protective webs

Yuta Fukunaga (M2), Norihide Hinomoto
[P0688] Does genetic diversity change dispersal tendency in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae ?